Monday 23 September 2013

Learning to be awesome everyday!!

Well, today is a new day and the beginning of a new mind. 

Did you know that our brain is absolutely awesomely amazing.... and we can rewire it!
Our moment to moment thoughts have a powerful affect on our brain, our body and our overall wellbeing!

To move from the familiar life that we are accustomed to is often difficult and uncomfortable, but learning anything new is uncomfortable and takes effort.  Think of the first time you got on a bike.  You were not able to peddle away and balance immediately.  It took lots of practice, until you are now able to not even think about how to ride a bike, you just do it!

The thoughts that are in our heads on a daily basis, moment to moment, are often just repeated beliefs that have been with us since childhood.  They may not even be our beliefs... more than likely they come from our parents or even grandparents, and those thoughts may not even serve us and our lifestyle.

Most of us do not realise this and do not make necessary changes until we can no longer live in our current situation.Often it takes crisis, trauma, loss or disease to make us assess what needs changing.
Why what till worst case scenario to begin to make chges that support our health, relationships, career, family and overall future.

Learning how to change our lives and way of thinking, living, acting and behaving, involves knowledge and application of that knowledge.

I am drawing on my own knowledge that I have learned over the past 10 years, by reading books by Louise Hay, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Robert Holden and the wonderful ladies at Brave Girls Club in the USA.
Some of my knowledge will also come from my tertiary studies in Psychology, which I am passionate about and still education myself on.

I am wanting to share this journey with anyone who is happy to come along for the ride. And together we can share knowledge, change our lives and work towards making the world a better place to be.

I am a great believer in doing one thing each day that scares you... and this is a little frightening putting myself out there.... but what do I have to lose!!!

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Do something for you today that you truly love and truly makes you feel happy
Wishing you a fabulously fabulous day!! xx :-)